Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Money Smarts!

As an entrepreneur I'm faced everyday with handling our money appropriately. Heck, entrepreneur or not, I'm the designated CFO in the Partak family. It just so happens that I have to juggle not only for the family finances, but also for our budding glove business. I find that it's really simple math and lots of mom ingenuity! I have to be creative, think out of the box, and some days just trust that what we need will be there when we need it.

How do you stay money smart? Do you have a financial plan for your family and your business? We are getting our plans mapped out, but being sure to remember that things change. You need to have a plan, but you also need to be flexible when those plans change. Share your thoughts, I would love to know what works for you!

1 comment:

  1. Good to always have a plan..I agree.
    I have my 'budget' book which I use every two weeks. All money coming in, and all money going out, the rest into savings. The amount I set aside for savings is never what I actually put away, but it's where I start, number-wise.

    I always need a plan. Not just money, but vacations, schedules...everything, then I vary from that plan as I need to.
