Friday, July 24, 2009

If You're Taking Action, You're Winning!

I talk with other entrepreneurs every day. It can be someone who is running a brick and mortar business or another mom inventor like myself, and what I keep finding is that everyone is striving for some lofty goal and missing out on all the little successes and accomplishments along the way.

I posted a thought on twitter last week that read, "There is no destination. Your entire life is a journey of starts, wins, losses, stops, joys, sorrows, laughter, loves, and experience. If you are waiting to get "there," you're missing the ride." I believe this with every fiber of my being.

I understand the importance of setting goals and working diligently until you get there. However, once that goal is met, there will be another, and another, and one after that. At what point do you stop and say to yourself, "I did it!" and take some credit? Big victories are won by a number of smaller wins. A perfect example is that of a parent. Would you dare not celebrate your child's first steps, and then their early words, to the first time they read a full sentence? Of course not! The joy is in the journey, the accomplishment that allows the next bit of skill or information to come. We might find we are happier in our day to day lives if we spent a few minutes a day treating ourselves like we do our children.

In my opinion, if you show up to do the work, you are successful. Many people have great ideas. How many of those same people put their ideas to the test? My guess is less than 10%. If I'm close, than isn't being in the top 10% of billions impressive? I think so! Take a moment today and celebrate something you've accomplished, don't' worry about it not being the be-all-end-all of goals. The reality is, there is no destination, all you have is your journey. Make the most of each delicious bite!

1 comment:

  1. I work full time and never miss a day of work, so I will celebrate that:-)

    I have been on a fitness kick, I walk diligently every day after work with my dogs, and I can feel & see my progress:-)

    I have completed a prototype this weekend that I have been working on for months, so I will celebrate that too:-)

    Although I have been feeling like I am in limbo lately, I can stand back and look at my situation and see that I do have things I can celebrate including my everyday accomplishments, friends, and of course my family:-)

    Thanks Kathy!
