Friday, July 31, 2009

Love a Local Business!

Vote for ZipperBack Gloves to win a $1000 grant!

Here's the info:

Go to
Scroll down and enter our info to nominate.
When it says it can't find us, you will get a link to select Manually Nominate.
Our business name is ZipperBack Gloves
PO Box 7476
Auburn, CA
Dave and Kathy Partak - Owners
Contact info:
Thank you!

Kathy Partak
Follow me on twitter: @kdpartak blog updated 3x weekly

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Money Smarts!

As an entrepreneur I'm faced everyday with handling our money appropriately. Heck, entrepreneur or not, I'm the designated CFO in the Partak family. It just so happens that I have to juggle not only for the family finances, but also for our budding glove business. I find that it's really simple math and lots of mom ingenuity! I have to be creative, think out of the box, and some days just trust that what we need will be there when we need it.

How do you stay money smart? Do you have a financial plan for your family and your business? We are getting our plans mapped out, but being sure to remember that things change. You need to have a plan, but you also need to be flexible when those plans change. Share your thoughts, I would love to know what works for you!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Who Is On Your Counsel?

I'm sure you have people in your life that you look up to or take knowledge from their experience...but have you ever thought seriously about what they might advise you to do in any given situation? I have. I was introduced to this idea by Napoleon Hill in his book Think and Grow Rich. He suggests that you create a panel of experts, dead or alive, that you know enough about to surmise what they might do or advise you to do in a given situation. I love this! The idea not only gives you an opportunity to research and learn about other's who have succeeded, but it changes the way you think about your current situation or dilemma.

Do you have imaginary counsel that you can talk to about what you want, what you could do, or just share your happy thoughts with? If not, maybe you can think about who you would put in your mind to have on your team. I have Napoleon Hill, Oprah, Jack Canfield, and more on my team in my mind. I ask my question and imagine what any one of my team would advise me to do. It really creates a different line of thinking when you are looking for clarity or answers. Let me know what you think of this idea! Have a great week and make something special happen!

Friday, July 24, 2009

If You're Taking Action, You're Winning!

I talk with other entrepreneurs every day. It can be someone who is running a brick and mortar business or another mom inventor like myself, and what I keep finding is that everyone is striving for some lofty goal and missing out on all the little successes and accomplishments along the way.

I posted a thought on twitter last week that read, "There is no destination. Your entire life is a journey of starts, wins, losses, stops, joys, sorrows, laughter, loves, and experience. If you are waiting to get "there," you're missing the ride." I believe this with every fiber of my being.

I understand the importance of setting goals and working diligently until you get there. However, once that goal is met, there will be another, and another, and one after that. At what point do you stop and say to yourself, "I did it!" and take some credit? Big victories are won by a number of smaller wins. A perfect example is that of a parent. Would you dare not celebrate your child's first steps, and then their early words, to the first time they read a full sentence? Of course not! The joy is in the journey, the accomplishment that allows the next bit of skill or information to come. We might find we are happier in our day to day lives if we spent a few minutes a day treating ourselves like we do our children.

In my opinion, if you show up to do the work, you are successful. Many people have great ideas. How many of those same people put their ideas to the test? My guess is less than 10%. If I'm close, than isn't being in the top 10% of billions impressive? I think so! Take a moment today and celebrate something you've accomplished, don't' worry about it not being the be-all-end-all of goals. The reality is, there is no destination, all you have is your journey. Make the most of each delicious bite!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy!

I'm running like crazy. I know you with that, Happy Hump Day and I'll see you on Friday!

Monday, July 20, 2009

They're Here!

The shipment of gloves came on Thursday. I wanted to share the news on Friday but I've been in "schedule is jam packed" hell! Laughing! It's really not so terrible, but when I don't have time to write, I get a little crabby.

I knew the shipment was coming, but when it arrived, it was a box that was surrounded by white light! I think I even heard angels singing. Okay, no white light or singing angels, but it was a moment that deserved some recognition. After all, it's not everyday that you stand in your hall way with a box that holds your first retail ready product. Think about all the ideas you've had in your life and how many of them you've seen through to creation. Most people will tell you they've never done it. This is my first shot at bringing a product to market, and here they are!

I called Dave before I opened the box and asked him if he wanted me to wait until he got home. Being the nice guy that he is, and knowing me so well, he said, "No, you can't wait. Open the box." He said the words you can't wait in the context of "you" being a general reference, when in fact, he knows me and knows I CAN'T WAIT! Think about the friends episode where Monica is waiting for Chandler to get home so they can open their wedding gifts and in her impatience, he comes home to every one of them opened! Yes, that's me.

I opened the box while Dave was still on the phone and I have to tell you, it was a moment that transformed this project from something cool that we're working on, to a real business venture. Holding gloves on hang tags in my hand for the first time was something special. Even Dave has been bumped up to the next level in planning after holding the product.

If you can dream it, you can have the box of it on your hall way floor, too! Laughing! Start! Start figuring out how to make it. If I did this, you can do it, whatever your "it" is. Tania's making hers happen, Sally is well on her way, and Ginelle is as well! One of many things we all have in common is that we took that first step! You ladies inspire me and I hope my news today inspires you as well! Happy Monday and welcome to a new week!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Still No Answers On Some Of My Problems

I'm working on getting ready for the ABC Kids Expo and it seems I'm really behind. I have to figure out what we can offer as a show special, figure out sizing, and all the things I talked about last week. To date, I've done very little on that list! Are these really problems or just things to do that I don't want to focus on? Likely the latter! Laughing!

I do know that our first order of 75, retail ready pairs of gloves will be here this week and if that's not a milestone worthy of celebration, I don't know what is! I'll post a picture on Friday so you can all share in my elation! In the meantime, I have lots of work I still need to do!

Take a moment to share with me where you are in your journey and how I might be able to help you. Happy Wednesday!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Are You Going To The ABC Kids Expo?

We are attending this trade show in September and I want to see how many of my friends will be there. I think it would be a hoot to arrange an evening of drinks and appetizers to meet in person. Are you going? Do you know anyone who is? Pass this along and let's see if we can't make some face-to-face meetings happen! Here is some of the information on the show. If you think you might like to meet up in Las Vegas, let me know! I would love to meet some of my blogger-inventor friends!

ZipperBack Gloves will be in booth 1612!

Las Vegas, NV September 13-16, 2009 at the Las Vegas Convention Center, South Exhibit Halls.

The ABC Kids Expo is the primary trade show for the juvenile products industry. It was founded as a partnership between independent specialty store retailers and the manufacturers who support them, as a method in which to promote the long-term sustained growth of the industry as well as to provide valuable opportunities for networking and education. The main focus of the show is on products from newborn through teen, predominantly in the areas of furniture, bedding, room décor, baby gear, gift and layette, toys and related accessories.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

There's Always Something To Do!

You might think that with a seasonal product, once the weather heats up, there's not much to do. NOT SO!

We have a trade show in September that we have no display for. We have magazines to promote to, and it may already be too late. I'm still gonna send the samples though, because you just never know. We have companies that have expressed an interest and asked us to send a sample even though it's too late for this fall. I have to pull together the data for a press kit and we still need good pictures of the final product, on the hang tag for web sales (ours and retailers). We need to figure out how people can "size" our gloves for their little ones hands and inmplement that into the web site. We are revamping the look of our web site so there attention needed there and I haven't even touched on the administrative stuff (bookkeeping, updating the database, inventory, etc.).

Just when you think you can settle in and take a break, think again! There's always something to do! What are the things you found to do that you didn't expect would take so much time?

Monday, July 6, 2009

Gloves May Be Here This Week!

I've been in communication with our manufacturer over the last few weeks and our initial shipment of gloves is in! This is the real deal, all five sizes on hang tags! This is what our consumers will see and decide if they want to buy. We are very excited.

It's just one more milestone in this process. I think all the little victories are important, but some stand out a little more than others. This is the one that when you open the box, you feel anxious, excited, and quite possibly, even emotional. Maybe it's just me, but to see your idea in "shelf-ready" form is quite an accomplishment.

I realize there is so much more to the business side of things, but if you don't take time to recognize the small successes in the journey, you aren't really taking it all in. You may find yourself at the destination you were striving for, but will it really be as sweet if you didn't celebrate all the little stops along the way? I think not! I'll take a picture of the gloves when they come, but until then, I'm going to feel the excitement and anticipation each moment!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Entrepreneurial Generosity

Entrepreneurs are some of the most generous people. In the last year I've met many people who are bringing products to market or running their own businesses. The one thing that seems to be true with all of them is that they want to share what they do. They share their knowledge, their expertise, their network of friends and associates, and their products. Part of the desire to share comes from wanting people to know and love what they do. The other factor is the pride they feel in their product and/or service.

I understand this because I find that I want to give away gloves to anyone who helps me that has small children. I don't have very many pair to sell this first season, let alone give away, but I sure want to! I want people to know what Dave and I created and that our product will solve their problem. There is a sense of pride and accomplishment that comes with each mile stone. I know I can't give away as many pair of gloves as I'd like to...yet! But the day will come when I can donate, give back, and share our product with everyone we want! Smiling!