Friday, July 3, 2009

Entrepreneurial Generosity

Entrepreneurs are some of the most generous people. In the last year I've met many people who are bringing products to market or running their own businesses. The one thing that seems to be true with all of them is that they want to share what they do. They share their knowledge, their expertise, their network of friends and associates, and their products. Part of the desire to share comes from wanting people to know and love what they do. The other factor is the pride they feel in their product and/or service.

I understand this because I find that I want to give away gloves to anyone who helps me that has small children. I don't have very many pair to sell this first season, let alone give away, but I sure want to! I want people to know what Dave and I created and that our product will solve their problem. There is a sense of pride and accomplishment that comes with each mile stone. I know I can't give away as many pair of gloves as I'd like to...yet! But the day will come when I can donate, give back, and share our product with everyone we want! Smiling!


  1. Yeah, I think it might become a bit expensive your first couple of years :-) I know how you feel, because I'm the same way. If I let my heart over rule my mind, I'd be broke all the time :-)

  2. We just want to share.Not only because we are proud of what we've created, but also because we want people to have what they need, and makes them happy!
