Wednesday, April 8, 2009

How Do You Know Who To Trust?

The simple answer is, you don't. This is as true in life as it is in bringing a product to market.

You have to trust someone and often, more than one person. You have to work the business of being an inventor and that means letting go of the idea that this great idea is your "baby." The passion and attachment is like the rocket-fire that launches the space shuttle. Certainly necessary for launch, but once it's off the ground, the rockets shut off and the business of piloting a shuttle into space takes over. The business is the education, consulting with experts, getting paperwork signed, experience, and asking tough questions. As a woman, I sometimes have a hard time asking questions I think will lead people to believe I am not trusting them, but maybe I'm not. Maybe that need to question is my intuition, or spidey-senses taking care of me. If part of what you need to do is not your strong point, employ someone whose it is. When you can't trust, you are operating from a standpoint of fear. Do you really want to move through life in fear?

You have to trust people to get you where you want to go. You can't do it all alone, so leave your emotions (and ego) at the door and walk through, to do good business. If you can do that, you can get this one going and get on to launching your next great idea! If I can do it, so can you. Start!


  1. That's a GREAT point is everything in this business.

  2. I've never been one to live in fear, and haven't been betrayed but a time or two. Worth it, I'd say,
