Friday, April 17, 2009

Are You Getting Your Education?

There are many subjects you can learn about in college and just as many you have to learn in RLU...Real Life University. I didn't go to college and every bit of what I know I've learned from life experience, and on the job training. I've been so fortunate to have highly successful people willing to mentor and guide me. The rest of what I know, I've sought out on my own.

RLU had me reading as many books on a given subject as I can get my hands on. I sought out any kind of weekend class I could find, and I asked for help. I once ran into a professional in the mortgage field in a hotel hallway. We said hello to each other, made some pleasant small talk and then went our separate ways. As soon as I was back in my room I was kicking myself for not picking his brain and asking a few key questions. In a split second decision to not let this moment pass me by, I picked up the phone, asked the hotel operator to please ring his room. While the phone rang and with my heart racing, he answered. I stuttered, "Hello, Mr. H..." and from there we had a wonderful 15 or 20 minute conversation. He answered my questions, gave me some tips, and even told me to feel free to call anytime. WOW! That was a 20 minute mentoring call that would normally have been hundreds of dollars. Because I called and asked for a few minutes of his time, he said yes.

Read books, connect with professionals, and don't be afraid to ask for help. Even if help is just the opportunity to spend a few minutes in the mind of the professional you want to be! People want to help, and there's no better compliment than to ask for someones professional advice. Everyone is accepted at RLU, and like any institute of higher learning, you will get out of it what you put in! Go! Start! You have nothing to lose!


  1. Great post...thanks Kathy! :-)

  2. I re-read this post and my heart started racing again remembering how nervous I was calling this man I had so much respect for. Funny how we can be taken back so easily!
