Monday, June 1, 2009

Who Do You Know?

You've all heard the saying, "It's not what you know, it's who you know." Do you believe that? I do. This is not to say that you should ride any ones coattails, it's just to say that when pivotal people know who you are, you have opportunities that others may not.

Case in point; I met a woman at a networking event who had invented a great baby product. We talked and initially connected because she is also the wife of a National Guard Soldier. As the evening went on, I agreed to take a sample of her product and send it to a friend of mine who has connections with a company that may possibly be interested in licensing her product. She sent it to me, I sent it to him, he took it to them, and viola! A licensing deal is on the table. This deal wouldn't even be a possibility if we didn't tap into our willingness to ask for help.

Who do you know? Who do they know? Ask! You know what you need and the kind of professional people who can help you make your dream a reality. Find out how many degrees of separation there really are between you and them. I bet not as many as you might think!


  1. I just want to meet Kevin Backon...anyone?...a little help please....

  2. Kevin Bacon? That should be an easy one! Want me to put it out on twitter? Laughing!

  3. hahaha Kevin Bacon...

    I think there are some really talented people who can't get their foot in the door because they don't have the right connections. I also think there are some extremely untalented people in places they really don't seserve to be because of who they know.

    The combination of talent and contacts, I think, would take someone a long way.

  4. I agree that it help to have good connections. I would be still spinning my wheels entering contests. If I hadn't met some wonderful people that not only encouraged me to learn, but have been gracious enough to take personal time to teach me.
    I believe I have been blessed with some great new friends:-)
