Monday, June 8, 2009

Can You Work With Your Spouse?

Some couples work together beautifully and others wind up in divorce court. What about you, could you work with your spouse?

I've worked with my friend Mike and it worked out fine. We had some ups and downs, but we always seemed to be able to work through them. I've also worked with my friend Julie, and that didn't go as smoothly. Fortunately, we've been friends long enough, we could recognize that the work relationship was not working and the friendship was far too valuable to put at risk.

Dave and I have never worked together in a full time capacity. We plan to once the glove business starts to get busy. I think we can do it and here's why. Our relationship is based on friendship. We were friends for more than six years before any romance began to blossom. We got to know each other, the good and the bad, with no prejudice. As we've made our way through almost eight years of marriage, we do a really good job of defining our roles and each others expectations of said role. If we just keep working our business the way we've worked every other aspect of our relationship, we'll be just fine.

What do you think, could you work with your spouse? A good friend? I'm interested to know what you think!


  1. I think we could, if the circumstances were right:-)

  2. and Koen were friends first and if we worked together, I think we would kill each other :-)we'd be okay as long as everything is success, but the moment stress comes into play..eeek!

    Both of us would stress about the same thing at the same time. With 4 kids, one of us always needs to be grounded.

    Nope...definately not, I love him too much to work with him :-)

    There should be some kind of marital testing before couples enter this arrangment LOL

  3. Laughing! Well, I didn't want to date Dave because I didn't want to risk the friendship and I was WAY wrong about that. The reality is, we're gonna give it a go and I feel confident that if it's not working, we'll make the appropriate changes and stay happily married.
