I got a call from Amy in Delaware this week after I e-mailed her confirming her ZipperBack Glove order.
We talked about how her son won't wear mittens and she can't wait to get ZippperBacks. I told her that this is exactly how the idea was born, when my own son Mason wouldn't wear mittens. "What did you say your son's name is?" she asked. I told her Mason. "My son's name is Mason, too!" she exclaimed. How fun!
I asked her how she heard about our gloves and she told me her mother saw them on another child and asked where they got them. They googled us and here we are. Isn't it cool that they saw them on another child (someone bought them from a retailer) and then took the time to look us up and buy a pair! People are buying and talking about ZipperBack Gloves!
I think this is fantastic. Of course I love Connor's ZB Gloves and think it's just a matter of time before all parents buy them...they make sense :-)