Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Zelda Wisdom with Carol Gardner

A few years ago, Carol Gardner was going through a divorce. A friend gave her some advice: "Get a therapist or get a dog." Carol chose the latter and brought home a four month old English bulldog puppy she named Zelda. Not only did Zelda become her loyal companion, but sparked the creation of Zelda Wisdom. Carol used her background as a creative director in advertising to combine the visual of Zelda along with verbal wit and wisdom. The result? Zelda Wisdom Inc. is now an international greeting card, gift, and book line which offers such suggestions as life is tough...wear a helmet, could be worse, enjoy life...this is not a rehearsal, go pulls the wrinkles down.

It's amazing that every picture you see of Zelda is the real deal. All of her costumes are made for her, and she wears them exactly as you see them; no photo-shopping! She's a girl who loves her clothes and celebrity.

I get an e-mail from Zelda every day. It's the most wonderful, smile evoking way to start the day. You can get Zelda's Daily Dogmas by going to and subscribe. For those who believe you don't get something for nothing, wrong-O! Zelda's Daily Dogmas are completely free.

Those of you who know me personally, know that Mason carries a stuffed Zelda with him every where he goes. Carol has been an inspiration, mentor, and good friend to me. I know you will love Zelda as much as we do. Check her out today! You can read more in Dahlynn's book Chicken Soup for the Entrepreneur's Soul. It's a great read, including Carol and Zelda's story.


  1. Thank you Kathy, I love this story:-)

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