Friday, May 22, 2009

What Do You Wear To Work?

I love being an entrepreneur for so many reasons, but mostly because I like that I can work in my pajamas if I want to. And many days, I want to!

The really nice thing is that there are times when you need to pull out the tailored suit, and other days when jeans and a freshly pressed shirt will do. Those days are a nice change and make me feel important, but in reality, I'm one of those people who is most comfortable in my yoga pants, thick socks, and a super soft t-shirt.

So hear is my question; do you think it matters what you wear to work? Of course if you work in a bank or corporate environment, you need to comply with specific dress codes, but what about being self employed? I say dress for the event. If you are meeting investors, or making client calls, dress professionally. No matter what your product or service is, you'll feel more confident and your client will have more faith in your professional ability. If you're doing admin at your home office, wear whatever you want, even nothing if that suits you!

This applies to all areas of your life. You're not going to a formal wedding in cut off jeans and a tank top. The same way you're not going to the beach in your best business suit. Use common sense and good judgement and you'll always be dressed appropriately!

On a side note, this reminds me of something I said as our wedding ceremony was beginning. We had a garden wedding planned and as fate would have it, it rained. We moved the wedding to the reception hall where there was a gorgeous stone fireplace. The minister made mention of the bad weather and I politely chimed in, "There is no such thing as good or bad weather. There is just weather and if you are dressed appropriately, every day can be a great day!"


  1. I use to have to wear suits everyday to work:-(
    Now I wear jeans and flip flops LOL! There are days that I do put a suit on too. If I have a meeting with someone then I will dress up:-) I cannot wear pj's at this job LOL, but that is my goal, and my commute will be a walk to my desk :-)

  2. I agree that you should make the best impression possible. My current day job lets us wear shorts. It's kind of strange for me at first but I liked it. It was the first time in 17 years. My first job we HAD to wear ties. I would wear a tie with a short sleeve shirt. My wife would say I looked like Dilbert.

    My goal for the future is Hawaiian shirts (Tommy Bahama of course), cut-off shorts and leather flip flops. There was the great flip flop place in Key West I'll have to visit again.

  3. I feel really good when I get dressed up, but I also like to be able to be comfortable as well. Dressy clothes are just not as comfy as more casual clothes.

    I know that place in Key West! I like that you're going with the leather!
